Accelerating renewable energy is urgent for Southeast Asia countries as energy demands continue to increase. Most countries’ leaders have committed to achieve net-zero by 2050 to keep the global temperature increase below 2°C.
Accelerating renewable energy is urgent for Southeast Asia countries as energy demands continue to increase. Most countries’ leaders have committed to achieve net-zero by 2050 to keep the global temperature increase below 2°C.
Accelerating renewable energy is urgent for Southeast Asia countries as energy demands continue to increase. Most countries’ leaders have committed to achieve net-zero by 2050 to keep the global temperature increase below 2°C.
Accelerating renewable energy is urgent for Southeast Asia countries as energy demands continue to increase. Most countries’ leaders have committed to achieve net-zero by 2050 to keep the global temperature increase below 2°C.
The maritime industry has tremendous potential for growth and development. It is a complex sector that encompasses a wide range of activities, including shipping and logistics, fishing, and aquaculture. According to UNDP, the industry also plays a critical role in the world economy, accounting for 5% of global GDP, or estimated at US$ 3 trillion per year.
Southeast Asia is currently on track to experience a 3°C warming, which goes beyond the target set by the Paris agreement to limit global warming to 1.5°C. This projection has significant ramifications for the worldwide market and the well-being of the Southeast Asian population.
What will the world be like for our children if we fail to limit global warming to below 2°C, preferably to 1.5°C? In the best-case scenario where the globe warms only by 1.5°C, a 10-year-old child in 2020 will experience fourfold as many extreme climate events throughout the course of their life compared to a 55-year-old.
On 1 March 2023, East Ventures, a pioneering sector-agnostic venture capital firm that has supported over 250 tech companies across Southeast Asia, and Temasek Foundation, a Singapore-based non-profit philanthropic organization that supports sustainable development initiatives, launched the Climate Impact Innovations Challenge (CIIC), the largest climate tech innovations platform of the year in Indonesia.